
American Red Cross Courses


The primary purpose of the Red Cross Lifeguarding program is to provide entry-level lifeguard participants with the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies and to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until emergency medical services (EMS) personnel take over. All courses include the following base-level certifications: American Red Cross certificate for Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED, Waterpark Skills certification, and Administering Emergency Oxygen (all certs are valid for 2 years). A rescue mask will be provided as part of the course fee. Participants may purchase a current copy of the American Red Cross Lifeguard Manual online here (OPTIONAL).

All Lifeguarding courses are taught using the BLENDED LEARNING format which combines online knowledge acquisition with in-person training and skills sessions.  The online portion of the course MUST be completed prior to the first in-person skills sessions in order to continue with the program.  If it is not, the candidate will not be permitted to continue with the course and a non-refundable, non-transferrable $80 fee will be charged.


Are you looking for a Lifeguard job at the Cumming Aquatic Center?  Great news, we are currently hiring for year-round and seasonal (summer) positions!  If hired at the Cumming Aquatic Center, the American Red Cross Lifeguard course will be provided to you at a deeply reduced cost.  For more information, please contact Lauren Libby (phone 770-781-1785 or email  For more information about the hiring requirements and process, please click here.

ARC Lifeguard Course Prerequisites

The following prerequisites must be met at the first in-water skills session in order to continue with the program.  If this pre-test is failed, there will be a non-refundable, non-transferrable charge of $80.00.

  1. Must be 15 years old on or before the final scheduled session of this course.
  2. Swim-Tread-Swim:  Swim 150 yards freestyle or breaststroke, demonstrating rhythmic breathing, followed by 2 minutes of treading water with legs only, and a final 50 yard swim freestyle or breaststroke, demonstrating rhythmic breathing.  Must be continuous.
  3. Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds:  swim 20 yards (no goggles allowed), surface dive 7-10 feet, retrieve 10 lb. object, re-surface, swim back 20 yards, place object on deck, exit the water

ARC Lifeguard Review Courses

The Review Course is designed to review the lifeguarding skills and core knowledge points required to re-certify lifeguards holding a current Red Cross Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED certification. Please note that if the Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED certificate is expired, participants must take the full Lifeguarding course (proof of a valid certification is required on the 1st day of class). The review course is approximately 14 hours in length. If the participant also holds a current Administering Emergency Oxygen certification, this can be re-certified at the same time as Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED at no additional charge.


ARC Lifeguard Review (RE-CERTIFICATION) Courses

The Review Course is designed to review the lifeguarding skills and core knowledge points required to re-certify lifeguards holding a current Red Cross Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED certification. Please note that if the Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED certificate is expired, participants must take the full Lifeguarding course (proof of a valid certification is required on the 1st day of class). The review course is approximately 14 hours in length. If the participant also holds a current Administering Emergency Oxygen certification, this can be re-certified at the same time as Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED at no additional charge.


Are you looking for a Lifeguard job at the Cumming Aquatic Center?  Great news, we are currently hiring for year-round and seasonal (summer) positions!  If hired at the Cumming Aquatic Center, the American Red Cross Lifeguard course will be provided to you at a deeply reduced cost.  For more information, please contact Lauren Libby (phone 770-781-1785 or email 


The primary purpose of the Red Cross Water Safety Instructor course is to train instructor candidates to teach water safety, including the Basic Water Rescue and Personal Water Safety courses, six levels of Learn-to-Swim, three levels of Preschool Aquatics and two levels of Parent and Child Aquatics. Certification valid for 2 years.

To be eligible for the Water Safety Instructor course, instructor candidates must:

  • Be at least 16 years of age on or before the last scheduled day of the instructor course.
  • Successfully complete the pre-course session, including demonstrating competency in the pre-course swim skills evaluation. Candidates who do not pass the pre-course swim skills evaluation will be refunded all but $80.
  • Pre-course required skills include: Swim 25 yards of Front crawl, Back crawl, Breaststroke, Elementary Backstroke, Sidestroke consistent with ARC Level 4 & 15 yards of Butterfly; Maintain position on back for 1 minute in deep water (floating or sculling); Tread water (1 minute) 


To be certified as a Water Safety instructor, instructor candidates must:

  • Successfully complete the pre-course session.
  • Complete the online Orientation to the Swimming and Water Safety Program, which includes the online orientation to the American Red Cross.
  • Attend and actively participate in all course sessions
  • Successfully complete class activities, including all assigned online content (as appropriate based on delivery method) and the required practice-teaching assignments.
  • Achieve a minimum score of 80 percent on the Water Safety Instructor course final written exam.

Candidates who pass the pre-course but fail to achieve all of the other certification requirements will not be provided any full or partial refund. This is a blended learning course offering which will require candidates to complete an online portion (approximately 7 hours). Course materials included.

For info on upcoming WSI courses, please contact:

Susan Alston
Phone: 770.781.1781


The Junior Lifeguard Program provides the foundation for lifeguarding and life skills.  The program focuses on 5 key areas:  prevention of aquatic accidents, fitness & swimming skills, response in an emergency, leadership skills, and professionalism as a lifeguard.  This is a non-certification course for participants ages 11-14 years old.

Schedule:  Monday – Friday 1:30-5:30pm (may bring money for concession stand)


Before entering Junior Lifeguarding, participants must be able to perform the following skills:

  • Swim the front crawl for 25 yards continuously while breathing to the front or side. 
  • Swim the breaststroke for 25 yards using a pull, breathe, kick and glide sequence. 
  • Tread water for 1 minute using arms and legs. 
  • Show a level of comfort on the back by floating on the back for 30 seconds or swimming on the back for 25 yards using the elementary backstroke or back crawl.
  • Submerge and swim a distance of 10 feet under water.

2025 Camp Dates:

Session1: June 9-13

Session 2: July 7-11

Course Fees

Course Fee
Lifeguard, Waterpark + Oxygen Certification

($80 is non-refundable if pre-test is failed)

Lifeguard Review *


(non-refundable if course is not completed successfully)

Water Safety Instructor


($80 non-refundable if pre-test is failed)

Junior Lifeguard Camp

max 12 participants
(price includes materials)

* Candidate must hold a current ARC Lifeguard cert to be eligible for the Review Course – Proof required